Month: December 2021

Cabinet Era - Kitchen Cabinets - Bathroom Vanity

What To Consider When Choosing the Bathroom Counter Height

Bathroom countertops are a significant area of a bathroom design. This is where we keep our soaps, cosmetics, toothbrushes, and tubes of toothpaste. So, when it’s time to carry out a bathroom remodel, bathroom counter height vanities are typically factored in. The countertop is where you carry out most early morning personal routines. It is where you brush your teeth and have a mental review of your day’s tasks while you stare into the mirror.

Here are some considerations to keep in mind when choosing your bathroom counter height: 

Bathroom Counter Height
Bathroom Counter Height

What does your current space look like?  

The space available in the bathroom will largely determine the counter height. A small space would mean a small-sized counter with a shorter height. A spacious bathroom will have enough room to fit a cabinet with a standard bathroom counter height.


Traffic Flow in the Bathroom 

The counter height will also depend on the number of people using the bathroom. You would have to consider the number of persons moving in and out of the bathroom at a time when choosing your bathroom count height. Are they adults, children, or elderly? An accessible bathroom counter height is ideal for a bathroom with a lot of traffic.


Plumbing and Lighting  

The location of the plumbing and other electrical outlets determines the counter height. Ideally, it should be high enough to hide the plumbing and be close to the lighting source, but also far from electrical outlets. 


Location of Other Bathroom Features. 

While remodeling the bathroom, the design may include mirrors, cabinets, and other features that may not need to be changed. This means that the new counter height must match these existing features. It must not be too short from the mirror or too tall for the cabinet.


Who Will be Using the Bathroom?

A standard bathroom counter height is about 30 – 32 inches. This height is quite idle for kids. The users of the counter will determine the size. There are different heights suitable for the kid’s bathroom and those for the master’s bathroom. The ideal counter height should match the users. Kids should have shorter counters to avoid them stretching, and adults should have a taller counter to prevent back pain from bending.


Do you need a particular counter height for your bathroom? Our team at Cabinetera can help you get the right cabinet with the perfect dimensions. Call us today at (708)78257777 or (410)8344808.

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Cabinet Era - Kitchen Cabinets - Bathroom Vanity

What Is the Difference Between Kitchen and Bathroom Cabinets?

Although kitchen cabinets and bathroom cabinets look alike, they are different in many ways. It’s easy to mistake a kitchen cabinet for a bathroom cabinet. We’ve provided vital differences that would help you differentiate a bathroom cabinet from a kitchen cabinet while remodeling the kitchen or remodeling the bathroom.

What Is the Difference Between Kitchen and Bathroom Cabinets?
What Is the Difference Between Kitchen and Bathroom Cabinets?


There is a difference between the height and depth of a kitchen cabinet and that of a bathroom cabinet.



Kitchen cabinets are about 24 inches deep to fit appropriately into the space in the kitchen. However, the bathroom has less square footage and a limited floor plan than a kitchen. Hence, standard bathroom cabinets are about 21 inches deep. The kitchen cabinets have the extra inches in the cabinet to provide enough storage space for the different kitchen utensils and cookware.



In terms of height, the kitchen cabinet is taller than the bathroom cabinet. The kitchen cabinet is typically 34 inches long. This height makes it easier for most users to stand over comfortably while using the countertop without bending over. The bathroom cabinets are shorter, with a height of 31 inches. The bathroom cabinet is used basically for storage. Also, the countertop area of the cabinet is used mainly for placing materials needed while using the mirror. You’re not going to be doing a lot in the cabinet in the bathroom caompared to the cabinets in the kitchen.



Bathroom cabinets are more miniature than kitchen cabinets and hence would require less material of construction. This means that bathroom cabinets are less expensive than kitchen cabinets. Although the smaller height and depth would reduce storage capacity, bathroom cabinets fit small floor plans, so most small cabinets are suited for the small bathroom design.


Construction Material

The wood type and its finishing will determine the function of the cabinet. The kitchen is an open space and has enough space for air circulation. Therefore, the temperature and humidity level usually get balanced, hence it does not affect the cabinet. However, steam and humidity affect the bathroom cabinet. So, bathroom cabinets must be made with moisture-resistant materials to prevent them from warping, sagging, and degrading.


Are you still confused on how to identify the difference between kitchen and bathroom cabinets? At cabinetera, we have a team of experts that will provide you with the right cabinet for your kitchen or for your bathroom. Feel free to call us today at (708)78257777 or (410)8344808.

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Cabinet Era - Kitchen Cabinets - Bathroom Vanity

Tips For Decorating a House with An Open Kitchen

An open kitchen living is a modern concept in kitchen design without walls separating it from the other rooms in the house. It is an excellent idea for a small house and it gives the home a friendly ambiance. Remodeling the kitchen and decorating the house to blend in perfectly may seem overwhelming. Here are tips for decorating a house with an open kitchen design.

Decorating a House with An Open Kitchen
Decorating a House with An Open Kitchen

Use Area Rugs to Define Spaces

 An open kitchen doesn’t have walls separating it from the rest of the house. It is essential to create a distinction between the kitchen and the rest of the house. So, you can place a rug to mark the sitting room and another to mark the dining area. This will create a difference between the open kitchen and the rest of the house. 


Set up the furniture nicely

There are different kitchen ideas on how to properly decorate an open kitchen to blend with the rest of the house. You can set up screens and bookcases to define the spaces. Place the furniture in your dining room and sitting room properly to help make the area look distinct.


Add architectural details  

Although the open kitchen may not be demarcated from the rest of the house by a wall, an architectural detail will help decorate the home. Install panelling, trim, molding along the walls between the open kitchen and the rest of the house. This will make it easier for transition and distinction from one room to another. 


Declutter and maintain a tidy space  

It is easy for an open kitchen to be left messy, which will affect the appearance of the entire house as no walls separate it. Appliances, pots, and pans shouldn’t be left lying atop the counter. Do not leave unwashed plates on the kitchen sink, and always lock groceries and food items in their space. Hide the excess items you’re not using away from view. 


Make an appealing visual display

To make the entire house stand out, try to add shelves to the kitchen walls. These make the open kitchen look organized and create an aesthetic appeal that improves the house’s appearance. A visual display will enhance the state of the cooking space and ensure harmony with other parts of the house. 


At Cabinetera, we provide different open kitchen designs and help you decorate your house to create a comfortable ambiance for you to live in. If you need help creating a unique open kitchen design, fell free to call us today at (708)78257777 or (410)8344808.

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Cabinet Era - Kitchen Cabinets - Bathroom Vanity

How Does Property Value Change with Kitchen Remodel?

If you want to get higher value for your property, the kitchen is the best place to remodel. Homebuyers usually check out for an up-to-date kitchen design before buying a home. A kitchen remodel will increase a property value change. About 8% of homeowners carry out a kitchen remodel to improve their property’s value. Many homeowners now know that a property value changes by kitchen remodeling.

Here are some ways a kitchen remodel can improve the value of a property:

Kitchen Remodel
Kitchen Remodel

Increases the ROI of the Property 

A modern kitchen remodel would make your property a top choice for new home buyers. Remodeling the kitchen would also increase the return on investment of the total cost of upgrading your property. So far, the standard ROI for a midrange kitchen remodel is between 50% and 60% of the total cost of remodeling the kitchen. So, say you spend about $80,000 upgrading your kitchen design, then you should be able to recoup between $40,000 to $48,000.


It makes your home a top choice for buyers willing to pay more

Homebuyers pay more for a property with high-end finishes and appliances in the kitchen. 80% of homebuyers in the market consider the kitchen as a significant factor influencing their decision when buying a new home. 69% of home buyers would be willing to pay more for a property with newer appliances in the kitchen, while 55% of the homeowners have also agreed to pay extra for a property with a kitchen that has a granite countertop. 


New appliances & furniture increases Selling Power

A kitchen remodel is usually expensive, so it is vital to make a budget for the renovations. A reasonable budget shouldn’t cost much but yet provide the necessary appliances and upgrades. Certain areas of a kitchen can be upgraded with little cost but guarantee you a higher ROI. 

Changing the cabinet and replacing the countertops with granite or quartz will not cost much but will improve the value of your property. Also, get good lighting that will enhance the look of the kitchen space and make it beautiful. While changing the countertops, you should also consider changing the sink and faucets. Stainless steel sinks are durable and will not require too much maintenance. 


At cabinetera, we have a team of professional contractors to carry out your kitchen remodel that will give you the best ROI without costing much. Call us today at (708)78257777 or (410)8344808.

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