Top Cabinet Cleaning Tips

Keeping your space clean is important and can make your home much more livable and sanitary. Cleaning cabinets, both on the inside and out, can give your house a much cleaner look and feel, while also helping to avoid any unwanted bacteria, mold, or other nasty visitors that you don’t want in your kitchen or home. But how do you clean your cabinets in an efficient way?

Cabinet cleaning is something that many people don’t do very often, even though it should be a regular practice. So how can you ensure that your cabinets are really getting clean? Let’s take a look at some cabinet cleaning tips for you to make sure your cabinets end up looking great and staying dirt-free.

Tips For Cleaning Your Cabinets 

  • Remove everything from your cabinets. Before you begin cleaning, you will probably want to remove everything from your cabinets and place it on your table or counters where you can see it. (This will help with organization later, as well.) It helps to have everything taken out from the cabinets before you start cleaning so that you don’t have to clean one part and then stop and take the things out from another cabinet and go back to cleaning.
  • Sweep out crumbs, dust, and other things. Once you have removed everything from inside the cabinet, sweep out any crumbs or dust particles that may be living in there. You can use a small broom and handheld dustpan, or just a dry towel and trash bin. Either way, make sure to remove all of the foreign objects from the bottom of the cabinet.
  • After you have swept it out, then it’s time to scrub. You will want to use different chemicals for different types of surfaces like:
    • Wood Cabinets: Use a special oil-based wood cleaner soap
    • Laminate or Painted Cabinets: Use water and dish soap or an all-purpose cleaner
    • Metal: Use a baking soda paste or baking soda mixed with coconut oil
  • While you let your cabinets dry, sort through everything you have taken out. Nine times out of ten there are several things in your cabinet that you don’t need and will never use. That being said, take the time to sort through your things and throw out the things you never use while you let your cabinets dry. By reducing the amount of things you stuff into your cabinets, you can reduce how cluttered they look. They will appear much cleaner and more organized if you throw out things you no longer need.
  • Put everything back in your cabinets in an organized manner. Once your cabinets have dried and you’ve thrown out everything you no longer need or use, you can place your items back in your cabinets in an organized fashion. Perhaps even putting labels on your items will keep them organized and keep your cabinets clean.
  • Clean the front of your cabinets. Don’t forget the front of the cabinets, the first part everyone will see and the part that probably has the most germs because of the amount that people touch it. Make sure to use the same solution you used to scrub the inside as you do on the outside to leave them nice and shiny.
  • Enjoy your clean cabinets!

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